Category Archives: Uncategorized

The ribs are in place. What next? I have to mull that over.

The beginnings of the body came out of clamps today and got trimmed down. I like the shape and size. It feels right. I decided to add some additional reinofrcing blocks in the corners. The head end is going to … Continue reading

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I had to get going, I couldn’t wait

I bent the sides, and glued them to the end block. The first prototype has begun. Design/Build is fraught with peril, but I have a good feeling about this. Tomorrow I’ll attach the for’ard part to another block.

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Hurdy Gurdy, man.

I’ve decided to build a Hurdy Gurdy. It will be quite a technical challenge but, I believe, do-able. Heironymous Bosch clearly regarded it as the devil’s instrument. That’s the only kind I build. I bought a used Delta mortiser this … Continue reading

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Here’s a pair that are in progress

I’m doing 2 guitars at a time, in a meandering way. They are coming along very well. Not much more to say except I am tooling up to do something new and exciting in the luthiery shop. A Hurdy Gurdy. … Continue reading

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A lefty leaves the shop

I finished up a Lefty for my son today… it sounds good, from what I can tell, but its hard to really make it sing because I can’t play it. Anyways it’s got good sustain, it’s intonated correctly, it has … Continue reading

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Top’s on.

Got the bracing all dialed in and the carcass ready to accept the top so I slathered them with glue and slapped then together. Tomorrow I would like to get the lip routed off and maybe put up some binding. … Continue reading

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Multiple necks later… I think I have the one that will work on THIS guitar

  I kept making minor errors or, alternatively, design changes to several necks in succession. One neck somehow got an extra dot at the 11th fret (Don’t ask). Another neck was contoured further up the neck, ending closer to the … Continue reading

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Fingerboard glued on

Well of course I screwed up the firstblank I glued up by routing the curves too far up the neck, so I lost a day by having to make a new blank. I did manage to get the form of … Continue reading

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Beginning the neck

So I mulled things over overnight, and decided: To use a zero fret neck. They just have such fast and easy action, it’s almost a no-brainer. I know some people look down on them, but I just don’t see why, … Continue reading

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Routed off back and sides, gluing up the top on the best guitar ever

  I got the back and sides out of clamps and routed it flush. Looks good. I’m going to let it sit a day befre I start messing with braces. I got out some really nice Spruce from my stock. … Continue reading

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